Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8: Feed Your Head

I took an earlier class in which we learned about RSS feeders, so I’ve had a Bloglines account for a little while now. Quite often I don’t really have time to look it over, but the convenient thing is being able to tell at a glance if one of my sites has updated. That does end up saving me a lot of time and bandwidth. Also, I love being able to skip the bulk of advertising at the sites of the originating feeds.

When I set up my Bloglines account, I also set up a Google Reader account. I haven’t found that one to be as intuitive to use, with more clicks and alterations necessary to follow up on the subjects that interest me. Bloglines defaults to a setup where each article title line is a hotlink to the full article, and that makes it a lot easier to follow. Also, Bloglines makes it really easy to set up playlists of feeds, so I can group news with news, blogs with blogs, or collect all the feeds on a subject for easy one-click perusal.

I think that I prefer very streamlined sites with the minimum of extras unless I choose them myself, and Bloglines fits that model much closer than the perhaps overly-helpful Google Reader does.

Here is a jpeg image of my bloglines reader:

ETA (Edit to Add): Cathy's, Patty's, and Rene's blogs are now all on my reader, and should be a lot easier to keep track of now.

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